May 31 Maker Faire
I was up fairly early, adjusting to the timezone still, and having slept on another new bed, this time an air mattress. I worked on […]
I was up fairly early, adjusting to the timezone still, and having slept on another new bed, this time an air mattress. I worked on […]
John D picked me up at the Emoryville station. He had been working at his Berkeley studio. We drove by the party in Oakland, but […]
I woke before my alarm, which actually didn’t sound, and showered and packed up before heading to Los Angeles’ Union Station. The DASH B bus […]
I noticed that I was placed on the link of the train that had several small children, and unfortunately the two closest to me were […]
Bret and I spent most of two days just hanging out. He had his hip replaced for the second time the Friday before I arrived. […]
I gathered all my stuff, packing my bag that already seems tighter, and taking a shower at Padre’s. David gave me a ride to Alpine […]