Summary: Rain Man-type janitor is being telepathically controller by cryogenically frozen researcher, committing murder and advancing research.
Location: Colson, Washington
Guest Stars: James Sloyan (ST:TNG Romulan Admiral Jarok)
Summary: Rain Man-type janitor is being telepathically controller by cryogenically frozen researcher, committing murder and advancing research.
Location: Colson, Washington
Guest Stars: James Sloyan (ST:TNG Romulan Admiral Jarok)
Summary: A reincarnated officer is taking vengeance on crooked cops.
Location: Buffalo, New York
Guest Actors: Maggie Wheeler (shrill-voiced Janice from Friends), Brian Markinson (familiar from a dozen places)
Summary: Ranchers and Native Americans have land control issues with a lycanthrope mixed in.
Location: Browning, Montana
Summary: Mulder and Scully investigate a faith healer child who is coming of age and becoming disenchanted in his powers after a death occurs.
Location: Kenwood, Tennessee
Summary: An ex-boyfriend agent of Scully’s get possessed by the spirit of a bank robber.
Location: Maryland
Summary: Multiple deaths lead Mulder and Scully to an Amish-type cult who are hyper-sexual, long lived, and morph between sexes. A wee bit on the creepy side.
Location: Massachusetts