Category Archives: aliens

episodes that seemed about aliens

X Files: Conduit (s1 e4)

Summary: A girl is abducted at a UFO hotspot. There are many similarities to Mulder’s sister’s abduction when he was a child.  Providing some back story about Mulder and his sister’s disappearance.  Several scenes are clear homages to Poltergeist and Close Encounters.

Location: Lake Okobogee, Iowa

Guest Actors: Don Gibb (Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds)


X Files: Pilot (s1 e1)

Summary: “THE FOLLOWING STORY IS INSPIRED BY ACTUAL DOCUMENTED ACCOUNTS.”  The show hits the ground running starting with an alien abduction and Scully being asked to “assist” Mulder while the Cigarette Smoking Man lurks in the room. From today’s perspective the show feels very 80s, from the clothing to the music.

Location: Coastal Northwest Oregon

Guest Actors: Stephen E. Miller (Millennium and a 100 other bit parts)

The Billy Miles (an alien abductee) will appear in several more episodes throughout the series.

Episode ends with CSM filing only piece of evidence from the case in a large vault in the Pentagon.