Category Archives: web

New Stuff: Geologic

GeoVideo-art-300.jpgStumbling upon new stuff can be quite enjoying. After hearing an interview with George Hrab on a podcast, I knew I had to check out his podcast and music.

I finally checked it out a few days after he released a quick-and-dirty video for a fabulous song: Out of My Mind.

The music really reminds me of Thomas Dolby. Perhaps his shaven head doesn’t hurt that impression. But the thoughtfulness and the clean production quality moreso points that direction.

I’m sure I’ll come to enjoy the podcast in my regular rotation, and may have a few iTunes album purchases in my future.

Geologic Promo MP3

Twitter and Trees Felled in the Woods

There have been several stories in the news about companies “listening in” on the Twitter feed for people struggling with their products, and providing personal support.

A reactive Squeaky Wheel policy that can preempt possible public bad mouthing before it happens. (Or truncate it soon after it begins.)

Since those examples, I’ve made a point of mentioning the products and services i’ve had issues with. On Wednesday I got a hit.

In the morning I whined about a Web 2.0 word that annoys me:

“webinar” – i wish I knew who coined that term, so I could make them my arch enemy, and dedicate my existence to their desctruction *pow* 10 am

About an hour later I mentioned the Internet broadcast lecture I was about to start watching.

attending a webinar by MyEclipse on Maven – i.e. i’m sitting at my desk 11 am

In the afternoon, just after 2pm, I received notice that myeclipseide had begun to follow me, in apparent response to my explicit “MyEclipse” reference.

The notice was shunted to my not-so-important folder, and I didn’t see it until later that evening. In the mean time, I had complained about one issue, without mentioning MyEclipse explicitly though.

does the Eclipse java debugger have a data watch/breakpoint? or are you going to make me revert to 1970s techniques to find this bug? 3pm

There was no response from the twitter account (which would of course only confirm the limitation of the debugger).

As an explanation to the unaware who have made it this far, Eclipse is an open source IDE that is practically infinitely extensible. MyEclipse is a configured, supported version of the IDE provided for sale by a company. (IDE is an acronym for Integrated Development Environment)

Another thing of interest is that the MyEclipseIDE account is only two weeks old, with 8 of their 9 posts coming in the last 3 days. Currently they have 15 followers and 36 followees.

The Maven presentation was informative, but I suspect they don’t have the development moxie to be modifying the java debugger to support data watch points. Thus the non-response, if they even noticed it.

Running for Office XKCD-Style

I never would have thought I would hear “running for office” and “XKCD” in the same sentence, toss in “Kansas” and I’d be sure I’d never hear it.

I’d be wrong…

My name is Sean Tevis [photo]. I’m an Information Architect in Kansas running for State Representative. I’m going to win. This is my story (XKCD homage style) so far…


So, when you receive a MySpace friend request from “Donna” who doesn’t have a picture, and lives in another state, and who’s only friend is “Tom”, what do you do?

No PhotoYes. And I was just about to delete the invitation, but I noticed some oddities. She wasn’t 18 or 21 or 26, like most MySpace spam, but 41.

And she’s in Geismar, Louisiana. That sounded vaguely familiar, so I looked it up. Suburb of Baton Rouge.

Hmm, I actually know a Donna of that age that lives in the suburbs of the Red Stick. I guess I’ll give her a day or two to put any identifying information onto her account.

But Donna, MySpace is so 2004. Where’s your FaceBook account?

Bad Idea gone Beer

I’m not one to fill out marketing surveys. I’m one to abhor them, actually. But I filled out this one because it’s for a friend of a friend.

And now he wants to give me a dollar!

So, you should fill it out, say I referred you, and he’ll give me a dollar. (You know my name, right?)

So, just do it!

He’s planning on starting a beer related website and there are three pages worth of beer and internet related questions.

So, just do it! I’ll get a dollar. You won’t get anything (but good karma, and an invitation to my Christmas party.)

(You should have pity on him for thinking he’ll make money on a beer website. Or envy him, or respect him. Just take the survey!)