Category Archives: web


spell-failIf you’re going to run an ad on Facebook (see screenshot to the right …) you should maybe finish high school, or in lieu of that hire someone who can spell.  “See who searched for your [sic] instantly with mylife!

So, whoever you are, MyLife (I didn’t click through to find out), consider this your gratis copy edit for the day.  I would take payment from you in the form of getting off my Facebook page.

And by-the-way, “who searched for you”?  Is this junior high school?  If someone was searching for me with the intent of contacting me, they already did.  If someone searched for me for any other reason, it’s just another data-point for how bad Reality Television is these days.  (When you have to resort to googling Bill, you have sunk fairly low.)

And apparently the person who’s been searching for you?  Skinny, blond, hangs outside the door smoking next to a trash can.  You really want to know who it is!

Fox Show Crossover

familyguybonesI thought this Hulu image for a recent episode of Bones was just server gone bad, but it’s the actual correct image for the episode. Several times during the show Agent Booth hallucinates that Stewie from the Family Guy is talking to him. It’s reasonably humorous, and fits into a longer arc plot line actually.

And I thought I saw some other show with a similar “dead guy in a barrel of wine” episode.  But I can’t recall where.

Pandemic: Matt Leacock and Game Design

Google has some great lectures put on at their campus from people of all different backgrounds. I try to catch one now and then but keeping up with the volume is tough. I was clicking about the Internet and ran across a really great talk by Matt Leacock, designer of Pandemic. Pandemic is a nice 2-4 player co-operative game. I’m not a huge fan of co-operatives but I really like this game.

The title of the lecture is Cooperation and Engagement: What can board games teach us?

Matt’s “day job” is as an Interaction Designer at Yahoo and he talks a bit about how game design and that interrelate. There is also a nice discussion on game difficulty and player skill.

Swine Flu

There’s way too much hype over the swine flu (CDC info).  The deaths are in the 100s, and mostly in Mexico.  “Every year in the United States, on average 5% to 20% of the population gets the flu; more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu complications, and; about 36,000 people die from flu-related causes.”CDC

So, @explicitmemory (who I don’t think I know) tweeted a link to’s article about surgical masks.  The @toadstar retweeted it, then I read it, and this is the funniest part:


(from the filenames over at guidespot, I can only assume they are strictly protecting their unattributed photos – i.e.

on the other hand, this one is hot linked, we’ll see if it stays updated: