Category Archives: television

Knudsens at Wrigley Field

My friends John and Marsha were at the game and on the television on Sunday.  They only live a few blocks from Wrigley Field, so they attend frequently.  And if the Astros are in town, it can almost be guaranteed.  I was getting ready for the Houston Roller Derby, so I missed them…

Knudsens at Wrigley

Marsha says “Did I mention that we had excellent seats?”

Yellow Magic Orchestra does the Tighten Up

Yellow Magic Orchestra Techno BibleI’m flipping the channels waiting for my left overs to rewarm in the microwave oven, and I hit the Turner Broadcasting Station. There’s a Japanese band performing the Tighten Up, Archie Bell’s #1 hit from the Summer of 1968. Yellow Magic Orchestra. A song I’ve seen Archie sing at the Continental Club.

As they zoom out I realize they’re performing it on The Best of Soul Train, making it all the more surreal. Seems the band and the song have been around forever, are considered one of the top 100 Japanese bands ever and likened to Kraftwerk.

I kinda want this album or some other one with one of their many versions on it, but it would probably cost a lot or be hard to find.

Angus Litigation

“Could you point to the Angus area?”

Cow DiagramI recently saw this Jack in the Box ad, and was mildly humored. They are selling their 100% sirloin burger, and backhandedly mocking the 100% Angus burger. I vaguely recalled someone advertising their Angusness but didn’t recall it being Carl Jr. (There aren’t any of those in the Houston area.)

I recall thinking mockingly “someone’s gonna sue for that”. And they did! The Language Log is wholeheartedly mocking them. They deserve it.

People moan about “litigious Americans”, but the vast majority of lawsuits are brought about by corporations, not individuals.  “Businesses file four times more lawsuits than private citizens and are sanctioned much more often for frivolous suits.”  It isn’t surprising, since corporations generally behave psychotically (trailer, part 1 of 23).

I don’t expect this lawsuit will go anywhere.

Prom, then Derby, now Illin’

Friday night was the Continental Club’s first prom with Molly & the Ringwaldsgirls girls girls and the Disco Expressions putting on a great time. The $10 cover was waived if you were dressed in your prom-finest. Lots of fun. Saturday I took it easy, perhaps because I felt a bit of the cold that was obvious by Sunday afternoon.

Sunday went to the Houston Roller Derby. Funtastic time, as always. Despite not feeling too great, I had to make it to the afterparty. Adam Fisher was serving up the bbq there; Roller Derby Phil from Austin was loving the bbq – two sandwiches worth.

But I was most super-happy to see Matt at the bout and after party. He has not been seen in a few weeks; his life was in Supersuckville. I hope he’s getting back into life. It was good to see him.

Monday I laid low, camping out in bed with nasty cold, until the Heroes finale. Which marked the official end of TV season – time for summer.

Straight Plan for the Gay Man

This show was great. And Comedy Central’s doing it right – a 3 show series. Even Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, the show it’s parodying, is getting tired with age, and this one would even faster. But there’s certainly enough to parady for three episodes. And as Comedy Central goes, I’m sure they’ll be replaying it ad infinitum, so if you missed it, you’ll have more chances to catch it.

Make sure to look for the prime decoration plucked from the dumpster.  If it doesn’t look familiar, and you’re a Houston Continental Club (HCC) regular, perhaps you should practice your observation skills next time you’re there.
