Category Archives: random

random weekend

after installing awnings at the CC, it ended up that Steve W is getting married in a week, so there was a bachelor party…

We started at Brenner’s (edit: Brennen’s) Steak House.  Had a large table outside under the gazebo.  Totally nice night.  Very excellent.  Bob S. had preordered the wine, which was an amazing Cab – which I of course now totally forget the name of.  It had to be special ordered, and our wine waitress was highly impressed by our choice (we gave her a small glass).

The food was AMAZING.  Bob ordered a bunch of appetizers and side orders that were placed all over the table.  The crab cake was AMAZING.  I also had – lobster bisque, fillet mignon, and asparagus.  Stuffed my face, was totally satisfied.

Went back to the top suite in the old Red Lion Inn, someone knew the people who bought it off them and we got the room for a song.  Most the guys went down to Treasures for a while, I stayed in the room with a few others.  We ended up there till 5 a.m. or somesuch.

My car’s still at the CC. Must pick it up today.


LSR Ride Pics

Someone else’s pics from the ride this weekend…

lots of work,
lots of fun,
(not lots of sleep),
lots of money for the beneficiaries.



Uuugh, 2+ days of flu with 101º F at times is not fun.  No appetite.  Weak.  Sweaty.  Changing into dry clothes all the time.  Ick.  But the worst is my brain is no tired.  I’ve been laying prone listening to radio and tv for most of the last 24 hours – some cat naps.  It only leaves my brain to idle.  The Bush Administration doesn’t want my mind to idle, they need to make sure i get barely employed with no time to think.

I’m dreading the Bush address tonight, and I have too many comments about the morning political news shows to mention here.  One I will…

Condoleeza Rice has bothered me for a while.  I haven’t been able to figure it out till now.  I really like her when she is talking about non-political issues (she’s a big football fan for one), but when she’s being an administration spokesperson, something about her demeanor bothers me.  It’s almost like I’m watching a prisoner of war speaking from captivity.  Today I picked out the key issue.

When someone asks her a question, that’s definitely a toughie, and there is usually contention among the cognoscenti about the truth behind it, she raises her voice and is adamant in her tone, but… she shakes her head no.  It appears almost involuntary.  I’m surprised the press office hasn’t noticed it and coached her on it.  Today it was “absolutely” during the head shake.   I don’t recall the question.
