Category Archives: random

Aug 1, 1967


“Whereas the Emperor Augustus Caesar, in the month of Sextilis, was first admitted to the consulate, and thrice entered the city in triumph, and in the same month the legions, from the Janiculum, placed themselves under his auspices, and in the same month Egypt was brought under the authority of the Roman people, and in the same month an end was put to the civil wars; and whereas for these reasons the said month is, and has been, most fortunate to this empire, it is hereby decreed by the senate that the said month shall be called Augustus.”

Log Entry – Day 14,609

Traveler’s Log, Day 14,609,

The Humans still don’t suspect I am not one of them. The huge range of activities they engage in is ever entertaining. Some of them eat pureed beans. Some of them skate in circles and hit each other. Some of them amass great skill fermenting grains. Some of them imbibe these elixirs with nary a thought. Some of them die their fur. Some of them shave their fur. . . in increasingly odd areas. They beam things about in the ultraviolet spectrum to see the rain, to transmit picture and sound, and to cook rolled food called a burrito. The contort their bodies in weird ways: kissing their feet for exercise, bending their thumbs to commute via teletype, and ratcheting their spines for relief from something (I haven’t determined what). They combust large amounts of large hydrocarbons to propel large objects, and do it with hydrocarbons from increasingly odd sources. They think the amount of time they spend under running water keeps them from stinking. They have an enormous number of pastimes that include spherical objects. Their behavior is always intriguing.

I am luring a number of them to a less densely populated are in a few days time to better study them. It should be fun.

p.s. They have forgotten about the Lion Goddess Mut.

War Dance

An excellent XTC song (as redundant as that phrase is) popped on to my music shuffle this morning.  Hadn’t heard it for a while and I really like it.  Unfortunately, it seemed a bit topical as well.

War Dance

There’s an epidemic stirring passions in young hearts
Even the old campaigners have got it really bad
Well we ain’t seen nothing like it since coronation day
But when the street parties sound
I’m going underground
To keep the rabid hounds at bay

Oh my my – this war dance Continue reading

New Shorts, Locutus of AT&T

AT&T BorgI bought some new shorts – summer is here you know. Lots of pockets. Nice fit. Brown denim. They look nice now, but I’ll be wearing them all summer.

There was a pocket with a big cardboard label on it that said “Cellphone Pocket”. I guess owners of cell phones are so stupid they can’t figure out what to do with them. That would explain why they’re ALWAYS talking on them.

Anyway this “cellphone” pocket is the ideal size for 3×5 index cards and a pen. And the battery never fails on that.

In other news, I canceled the Call Notesâ„¢ on my phone. About 6 years after I should have. (It used to be a business expense.) At $8 a month, here are the pluses and minuses of Call Notesâ„¢. Continue reading