Category Archives: latenight

Crabbs Prairie, Texas

Bill, Pond, 40 – by Cotton Ginny

We had a great weekend at Crabbs Prairie thanks to the Earthman’s hospitality. Many friends transited through Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. We cooked, we drank, we played.

Virginia has some photos, and so do I.

And fyi, the convenient store is open there from 5am – 7pm, seven days a week.

My friends seem to know me. Amongst the gifts were good tequila, belgian beer, an Albert Einstein action figure, Jägermeister, Tito’s vodka, and a variety of minutia.

Jamming on guitars on the porch all night and drinking Lone Star was all that was desired of them, and I got that too.

And for everyone who couldn’t make it, we missed you.

La Strada, Rain, Frog

Had Sunday brunch at La Strada with friends. I haven’t been there since it burned and was rebuilt. We were on the patio upstairs and the weather was quite nice for a July 1st. We then went to Under the Volcano, the Gingerman, and Onion Creek, making a full day of it. And like most days in the past month, we saw more rain before it was over.

As we got out of the car and walked across the sidewalk there was a fat toad in the puddles. “Look, a toad,” I said, pointing. Then noticing, “and a worm right there, too.” At that moment there was a convulsion, the toad’s mouth opened, it’s tongue snapped forth, the worm disappeared instantly. Then a few more lurches as he got it into his stomach. Mmmm, dinner.

The Blind Man of Scrabble

brailleTG and I went to see Peter & James last night at the Big Top, Scrabble in tow. Peter & James are half of the Light Rock Express and sometimes referred to as the Light Rock Light.

When the first three letters TG pulled were L R E, I knew it was a bad sign. When the first word she played was B R A I L L E (with one blank for an L) it was confirmation. I was about to get smoked. And with 5+ vowels in my tray the whole game, I never got close.

Final 334 – 190.

The other two LRE members happened to be in the audience last night – entertaining the ladies – so they each sat in on a song or two.

Tonight: Astros. With 10 losses in a row, the Gambler’s Law of Averages tells me they’re gonna win.

Prom, then Derby, now Illin’

Friday night was the Continental Club’s first prom with Molly & the Ringwaldsgirls girls girls and the Disco Expressions putting on a great time. The $10 cover was waived if you were dressed in your prom-finest. Lots of fun. Saturday I took it easy, perhaps because I felt a bit of the cold that was obvious by Sunday afternoon.

Sunday went to the Houston Roller Derby. Funtastic time, as always. Despite not feeling too great, I had to make it to the afterparty. Adam Fisher was serving up the bbq there; Roller Derby Phil from Austin was loving the bbq – two sandwiches worth.

But I was most super-happy to see Matt at the bout and after party. He has not been seen in a few weeks; his life was in Supersuckville. I hope he’s getting back into life. It was good to see him.

Monday I laid low, camping out in bed with nasty cold, until the Heroes finale. Which marked the official end of TV season – time for summer.

Wednesday, Just Another

Washed my truck, did some yard work, did a podcast (#13, without the Colonel), cleaned some house, cooked some pork chops. I wasn’t really in the mood for going out, but it was Peter & James and Grenadine convinced me (didn’t take much really).

Ran into all kinds of people I hadn’t seen in a while: Kerry Whitehead, Stig Daniels + Cameraman Dave (?). Also those I had seen in a while but wasn’t expecting: Ramiro (his mother is improving (in the hospital)), Christy Kern, Pasadena Stevey (just back from recording in Austin), Mitch Pauls, and Dr. Trombone Bill. There were of course the regulars: Trey, Janet, Jack, & Nick.

I had forgotten that Governor’s Chair – James Noles (guitar and lead singer), Chuck Chavira (lead guitar and vocals), Charlie Earthman (bass guitar), and Joe Earthman (drums) – was playing last night. We caught a few songs there.

Some nice music from the Light Rock Light, and a bit of a late evening.


VASTI wasn’t paying too much attention and then realized that VAST (site, wiki) was playing at the Continental Club last night only hours before it happened. I quite like the one album I have of this band – which is mostly a studio project – so I had to go to check them out.

I have only their first album from 1998, and would expect them to play a much larger place from the large sound on the recordings. There was definitely an odd crowd for the CC.

There were two opening bands, the stage was way overcrowded. I forget the first band’s name, it should have been the Toe Gazers. Uninteresting music executed barely competently. The second band was Po1nt (pronounced “point 1″) – they were a giant Seattle band. That is to say not metaphorical musical giants, but 6’3″ to 6’6” musicians. The singer was sometimes the screamer, the guitar player an aging shredder, and the bass player had an uber meatty sound but redeemed the vocals of the band with his backing vocals. You could hear the Seattle in their influences.

VAST was very good, Jon Crosby a bit moody, typical musician. Sometimes they played over a minor supporting track, but it was mostly guitar, guitar, bass with a violin joining them for a few. Their two-month, 50 date tour ends tomorrow in Austin.