Category Archives: houston

The El Orbits on a Monday Night

Between today and the last time I was at the Continental Club, with the El Orbits, and letters and numbers, it’s been a while.

satcust.jpgI saw quite a few familiar faces last night, some whose names I know, and some I don’t. Virginia O, Pete G, Allen H, Thomas E, Bob S, Lance, Mark & Catherine, Jennifer N, Christopher, Adrian, Squid.

Nothing used to keep us from the Satellite Lounge and the El Orbits. Do you remember Ally McBeal? We skipped out on that skinny fad. Instead we had a Lonestar and/or a martini with our lounge music and new Houston friends. I met more than one friend that I still have to this day on a Monday night with the El Orbits!

Going out on a weeknight has been a bit unfamiliar of late. It used to be my standard operating procedure. Now, I like my sleep. I have a commute.

Others need to start coming out on Monday night again, enjoying the evening. You can leave by 10:30 or 11:00 and still get plenty of sleep for that tuesday morning meeting.

St. Arnold Imperial Stout in Bourbon Cask

It’s been an insanely busy week – and I still haven’t had time to deal with my apparently broken air conditioner. Stopped off for dinner/beer/wi-fi before an evening of board games at the Stag’s Head.

They have the most awesomely amazing St. Arnold’s Imperial Stout aged in whiskey barrels on the cask pull. It’s an amazing beer, and being served at the perfect temperature. Austin Beer Boy should be salivating! I’ve only had this beer once before – at the 2007 St. Patrick’s Day Gonigel competition and party. Sean Lamb had brought a chocolate cake he made me eat with the beer, at the same time. It was amazing!

After laundry and chores and trying to fix an A/C on Monday (didn’t work), I had dinner and Power Grid at Sivco’s on Tuesday, edited a lengthy podcast last night with more laundry. Games tonight. Tomorrow is Ringwalds sans Jennifer plus derby in-service if I can make it. Saturday is crawfish boil (in the 281 – eep), and Sunday is roller derby with an after party at Onion Creek. I’ll be late to work on Monday for sure.

Living in Our Own Filth

plastic bag nightmare 004

Originally uploaded by Zainub

Twice today as I commuted I saw cars with plastic bags entwined beneath them. Yes, your US$50,000 car looks very nice. Just like your new pair of heals with toilet paper hanging off of them.

What’s wrong with us? Minimally we need to start taking the bags back to the stores and leaving them there.

Cities have banned them, and some stores have stopped using them.

Have you ever walked close to the bayous in Houston? They are by far this biggest wash-off problem. And they get tangled high in the trees for that year round enjoyment. tells me they’re killing us.

Maybe I’ll wean myself from them. Hopefully before I suffocate.

Benjamin Franklin on Houston

During my morning benefactorial reading of Benjamin Franklin Wit and Wisdom, I came across the following passage.

After three days men grow weary of a wench, a guest, and weather rainy.

As is typical, yesterday was nice and clear blue skies after one day of gray and one day of rain. The gray is back again today, but i’d wager not for long.

Like the weather, guests in Houston don’t typically stay for longer than three days (a friend will be here for three in January).