I agree, this is a dumb City of Houston policy. Repeal it! offthekuff.com/wp/?p=62694
Category Archives: government
September 4, 2014
Our government loves to kill. Guilt doesn’t have much to do with it. washingtonpost.com/posteverything…
September 2, 2014
“Greg Abbott: Arrogant, Dangerous, and a Craven Hypocrite” and not good enough for Texans feedly.com/e/PEMn1sYQ
August 19, 2014
Will they take a DNA sample from Perry? Is that standard for a felony booking? @TexasTribune
April 8, 2014
Rick Perry saves state money by not having integrity feedly.com/e/HSNNFgQz #offthekuff – also by letting prisoners rape each other
April 2, 2014
If Rick Perry can’t legally manage our prisons, he should dismantle them or resign. feedly.com/e/KxOiJP2l