Category Archives: government

Texas Legislature: Too Many Poor People Voting

Voting BoothLast Thursday the Chron PolitBlog called Texas Voter Fraud “a lie”.  Friday the national media was writing an article on the stealthy disappearance of the American Center for Voting Rights.  (An organization who was trying to sell us on rampant voter fraud.)  Meanwhile the still Republican-controlled Texas Legislature was swinging their scepter to “protect us” from. . . something.

Galveston Judge Susan Criss chimed in with her support of Senator Gallegos, who against the will of his doctor was transported to Austin to keep the voting margin viable.  The Houstonist informs that he can now return home to recover from his recent surgery.

The outrageous voter suppression bill did not pass the House by Wednesday midnight and the Lt. Governor has declared it procedurally dead. May it Rest in Peace! (and pieces)

Bill White’s victory party

a week ago saturday (election day), there was a small snippit about it in today’s City & State section (full story)

But in a nod to his name and his race — thought to be a liability before he managed to win supporters from Houston’s three main ethnic groups — the campaign cranked up an unlikely song: Wild Cherry’s Play That Funky Music (White Boy).

Andrea Greer was a coordinator of the gathering and lobbied against using this song (I agree with her), but she was outvoted.

The Dec. 6 gala had all the makings of the party of the year. The crowd wore everything from dashikis to feather boas, business suits to baseball caps. The unifying elements were the Bill White-heads — paper hats, of sorts, that mocked White’s bald head.Music was provided by the hip local lounge band The El Orbits, who eschewed the White-heads in favor of Santa hats.



Uuugh, 2+ days of flu with 101º F at times is not fun.  No appetite.  Weak.  Sweaty.  Changing into dry clothes all the time.  Ick.  But the worst is my brain is no tired.  I’ve been laying prone listening to radio and tv for most of the last 24 hours – some cat naps.  It only leaves my brain to idle.  The Bush Administration doesn’t want my mind to idle, they need to make sure i get barely employed with no time to think.

I’m dreading the Bush address tonight, and I have too many comments about the morning political news shows to mention here.  One I will…

Condoleeza Rice has bothered me for a while.  I haven’t been able to figure it out till now.  I really like her when she is talking about non-political issues (she’s a big football fan for one), but when she’s being an administration spokesperson, something about her demeanor bothers me.  It’s almost like I’m watching a prisoner of war speaking from captivity.  Today I picked out the key issue.

When someone asks her a question, that’s definitely a toughie, and there is usually contention among the cognoscenti about the truth behind it, she raises her voice and is adamant in her tone, but… she shakes her head no.  It appears almost involuntary.  I’m surprised the press office hasn’t noticed it and coached her on it.  Today it was “absolutely” during the head shake.   I don’t recall the question.
