After three marathon weeks of rain, rain, rain, we’ve finally had two days off from precipitation. It looks like the puddle on my sidewalk may dry up completely today,
and I may be able to walk across the lawn in a few more days – if it continues to hold off.
Started the first day of clear skies mostly indoors. At a tea shop in Montrose. We played a monster of an obscure (but good) board game: Indonesia. Tracey, James, Onion, Tricia, and myself. I think it lasted a good five hours. After ravaging Tricia position, she still won the game. But I managed a close second.
Ended it off with Doneraki and then a few more games at home.
A few days before that I began the project of ripping out the kitchen sink, replacing the fawcet, installing a disposal, and reinstalling all the drains. About a $200 project. One small drip on the drain I still need to fix, but other than that it’s almost done. I need to reinstall the cabinet door, as well.