“Claus is a moron who knows only what he reads in the New York Post” #TopSecret @valkilmer @netflix #1984
Author Archives: bshirley
August 21, 2015
Drinking a Cali Green by @brashbeer at @PremiumDraught — untp.beer/s/c216836367
August 21, 2015
Has anyone else been wondering if there’s a volleyball named Wilson in The Martian?
August 20, 2015
In July 45 people were murdered in Baltimore. Now I get that @larrywilmore joke from The Nightly Show on Wednesday.
August 20, 2015
Cocky guy in the bar talking shit. I debate taking him down. Then decide I was that young, stupid, and naive once. Go, boy. Time will teach.
August 20, 2015
/someone/ gave him the formula for transparent aluminum (who’s to say he didn’t invent transparent aluminum?) … twitter.com/isaach/status/…