On Friday, the rain from the night before showed it was going to stay. A cold 50 degrees and a full overcast with a steady heavy drissle. Residents of Reno considered it a heavy rain.
Katie and Eric headed out to Napa Valley for the weekend for a wedding. I took the empty house, bad weather day as a chance to vegetate on the couch and watch television.
I headed over to Chad and Summer’s place in the evening, not having received the email from Chad that he planned on swinging by and leading me over there.
I stopped by a Radio Shack to get an SD card reader for my camera, having forgotten the proprietary Kodak cable for the job. I got over to their house around 5:30 to find no one home yet.
I helped myself into the back yard, where I piqued the interest of there two dogs plus Katie’s. It was quite windy in the back yard, but their table was well sheltered so I sat awhile and read.
It was only 15 minutes until Summer got home with a load of groceries. She gave Chad a call to let him know I was there just after he had set off Katie’s alarm looking for me.
We were going to have lamb burgers, so Chad was still in search of the lamb, which they didn’t have at Summer’s stop.
We spent the evening cooking, eating, drinking, and in general conversation.
Summer commented that the rain and cold was quite out of the ordinary, and apologized for the weather at least once.
Apparently, things were a bit greener in Reno than usual because of it.