Category Archives: deep throat

episode reviews in which Deep Throat, an informant to Mulder appears

X Files: The Erlenmeyer Flask (s1 e 24)

Summary: Episode starts with suspect fleeing police bleeding green then Mulder getting a call from Deep Throat. Deep Throat tips Mulder to government-run alien-human hybrid research. Season ends with Deep Throat being shot and uttering “Trust No One”, Mulder calling Scully in the middle of the night: “They’re shutting us down”, Cigarette Smoking Man storing alien sample in large Pentagon storage room.

Location: Baltimore, Maryland. Gaithersburg, Maryland. Washington, DC.

Mentions of the Human Genome Project and gene therapy as cutting edge work.

X Files: E. B. E. (s1 e17)

Summary: Extraterrestrial Biological Entity.  Lead by a secret informant, Mulder and Scully trace the smuggling of a downed spacecraft and its occupant across the country.  This episode introduces The Lone Gunmen, some of my favorite recurring characters.

And for a light moment: “I think it’s remotely plausable that someone might think you’re hot,” Mulder to Scully.

Location: Iraq; Hakkari, Turkey; Reagan, Tennessee; Lexington, Tennessee

X Files: Eve (s1 e11)

Summary: Spooky ass little girls. I thought that these characters were recurrent ones, but they aren’t. I guess I saw this one in reruns multiple times. Mulder gives us a nice cattle mutilation slide show to open the episode.

Location: Greenwich, Connecticut; Marin County, California

Guest Actors: Harriet Sansom Harris (Texas actress, has played lots of creepy roles)