What Experience is needed to be the President?

After listening to many political podcasts on the presidential primaries and caucuses, it led me to wonder what is a good background of experience to be the President of the United States.

So, as a resolution to myself on this January 12 – the earliest post-Iowa Caucus, post-New Hampshire Primary of my life – before election day 2008 I will read up on the background of every man who has been president of the United States, paying particular attention to the background he had before entering office. I’m not going to go out and purchase 42 biographies, I’ll likely use shorted and cheaper sources. I suspect Wikipedia can give me the basics, and that may suffice for most.

I may also read up on those who were not elected but had major candidacies, and may toss in a vice president or two.

So, we’ll see where this search to fill a hole in my knowledge goes. If you are a historian, or a student of history, and have any favorite Federal ancestors you’d like to tip me toward, please send an email or make a comment.

1 thought on “What Experience is needed to be the President?

  1. Lee

    Hey, that’s what Wikipedia is for!

    Qualifications for Dubya: Born into the right family with the right connections. Same ones that got him into the Texas governship.

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